⚙️Multisignature (multisig) principle

This page describes the principle of multisignature transaction execution

What is multisignature principle

In order to maximise the protection and security BetFin implemented the multisig consesnus. That means that every important transaction is done by more than one signatory. This is proceed through safe.global multisig contract.

  • Timelock contract (see Timelock principle) which owns all the BetFin contracts is owned by multisig contract.

  • Multisig contract has quorum of 5 wallets where 3 out of 5 has to sign each transaction

  • To see the quorum of multisig wallets that owns the BetFin contracts check Governance adresses

  • Betfin uses multisig wallet provided by safe.global

Transactions type that are subject of Multi signature principe

  1. Token transfers from any of the Betfin contract addresses that allows it

  2. Change in quorum of any of Governance adresses

Moreover any transaction that is signed by the last needed owner of the multisig wallet is subject of Timelock principle

Last updated