

The Tariff contract defines the pricing and profit distribution parameters for partners within the ecosystem. It specifies the amount of tokens required as payment for creating a Partner, the percentage of each bet that the partner will receive as profit, and the percentage of each stake that the partner will receive as profit.

Contract Structure

The Tariff contract consists of immutable variables to define the pricing and profit parameters.


constructor: Initializes the Tariff contract with the specified price, profit percentage for bets, and profit percentage for stakes.


price: Amount of BET tokens required as payment for creating a partner

profit: Percentage of each bet that the partner will receive as profit (ranging from 0% to 3.60%).

stakeProfit: Percentage of each stake that the partner will receive as profit (ranging from 0% to 100%).


The Tariff contract operates independently and does not have explicit dependencies on other contracts within the ecosystem.

Last updated