🤖Dynamic Staking Pool

The DynamicStakingPool smart contract is a versatile and secure solution for creating dynamic staking pools. This contract utilizes several OpenZeppelin libraries for added security and functionality, including AccessControl, ERC20, Math, and ReentrancyGuard.


  • Dynamic Profit Distribution: Automatically distributes profits among stakers based on their stake in the pool.

  • Reentrancy Guard: Protects against reentrancy attacks, ensuring the security of transactions.

  • Access Control: Implements role-based access control, allowing only authorized addresses to perform certain actions.

  • Event Logging: Logs significant actions and changes through events for transparency and tracking.


  • duration: Duration of the staking pool.

  • startCycle: The start timestamp of the staking cycle.

  • totalStaked: Total amount of tokens staked in the pool.

  • totalProfit: Total profit earned by stakers.


  • getStakersCount(): Returns the number of stakers in the pool.

  • getStake(address staker): Returns the stake information for a specific staker.

  • isStaker(address staker): Checks if an address is a staker in the pool.

  • isFull(): Checks if the pool has reached its maximum capacity.

  • getClaimed(address staker): Returns the amount of profit claimed by a staker.

  • stake(address staker, uint256 amount): Allows an authorized role to add a stake for a staker.

  • withdraw(): Withdraws staked tokens and distributes profits at the end of the staking cycle.

  • profit(uint256 _profit): Records profit to be distributed among stakers.

  • loss(uint256 amount): Records a loss, reducing the real stake amount.

  • distributeProfit(): Distributes profits among stakers based on their stake.

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