Buy BET token
Currently, the following options are available for buying and selling the BET token:
If you are familiar with trading crypto onchain, its very simple:
Transfer crypto to your web3 wallet on Polygon mainnet
Visit the
Connect your wallet to Uniswap
Be sure you are using uniswap on Polygon mainnet
Ensure you left some cryptocurrency POL to execute the transaction (and also future ones)
Select the token or cryptocurrency you want to swap, and for the token you want to buy, select BET token
If you have trouble to find BET you can find it by using this contract address: 0xbF7970D56a150cD0b60BD08388A4A75a27777777 (address must fully match!)
Sign the message and execute the swap. BET tokens should arrive within a few seconds.
Important Tips:
Network Fees: Be aware of transaction (gas) fees on the Polygon network. You will need some MATIC in your wallet to cover these fees.
Slippage: Adjust the slippage tolerance if necessary, especially during periods of high volatility.
Double-Check Addresses: Always ensure you are using the correct contract address for the BET token.
Security: Use caution and ensure that you are interacting with the official Uniswap interface.
Last updated