🤖Affiliate contract

Contract Structure

The contract is structured to handle affiliate-related functionalities, including checking conditions, managing bonuses, and setting parameters.

The Affiliate smart contract manages an affiliate program within the application. It:

  • Checks if a member can invite new members based on specific conditions.

  • Checks if a member is eligible to receive matching bonuses based on their staking and invitee activities.

  • Stores and manages matching bonuses for members.

  • Allows authorized users to set various conditions and parameters for the affiliate program.

Role-based Access Control

The contract implements role-based access control with two roles:

  • BINAR: Allows setting matching bonuses.

  • TIMELOCK: Allows setting various contract parameters.


  • TOTAL_MATCHING_PART: Total matching bonus allocation.

  • BETTING_MATCHING_PART: Matching bonus allocated for betting.

  • STAKING_MATCHING_PART: Matching bonus allocated for staking.


  • inviteStakingCondition: Minimum staking condition required for inviting new members.

  • matchingStakingCondition: Minimum staking condition required for receiving matching bonuses.

  • matchingInviteeCondition: Minimum staking condition required for invitees to trigger matching bonuses.


  • NewMatchingBonus: Triggered when a new matching bonus is set.

  • NewPass: Triggered when a new instance of Pass contract is set.

  • NewConservativeStaking: Triggered when a new instance of ConservativeStaking contract is set.

  • NewDynamicStaking: Triggered when a new instance of DynamicStaking contract is set.

  • NewBetsMemory: Triggered when a new instance of BetsMemory contract is set.

  • NewInviteStakingCondition: Triggered when the invite staking condition is updated.

  • NewMatchingStakingCondition: Triggered when the matching staking condition is updated.

  • NewMatchingInviteeCondition: Triggered when the matching invitee condition is updated.

Last updated