🖥️Bet Interface

The Bet Interface provides methods to interact with a betting contract on the Ethereum blockchain. This interface allows users to retrieve various information related to a bet, such as player address, bet amount, payout result, bet status, game address, and creation timestamp.

Interface Methods

  1. getPlayer

    • Description: Returns the address of the player who placed the bet.

    • Usage: Call this method to retrieve the address of the player.

    • Return Type: address

  2. getAmount

    • Description: Returns the amount of the bet.

    • Usage: Call this method to retrieve the amount of the bet in Wei.

    • Return Type: uint256

  3. getResult

    • Description: Returns the payout result of the bet.

    • Usage: Call this method to retrieve the payout result of the bet.

    • Return Type: uint256

  4. getStatus

    • Description: Returns the status of the bet.

    • Usage: Call this method to retrieve the status of the bet.

    • Return Type: uint256

  5. getGame

    • Description: Returns the address of the game associated with the bet.

    • Usage: Call this method to retrieve the address of the game contract.

    • Return Type: address

  6. getCreated

    • Description: Returns the timestamp when the bet was created.

    • Usage: Call this method to retrieve the creation timestamp of the bet.

    • Return Type: uint256

  7. getBetInfo

    • Description: Returns all relevant information about the bet.

    • Usage: Call this method to retrieve all data related to the bet at once, including player address, game address, bet amount, payout result, bet status, and creation timestamp.

    • Return Type: (address, address, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256)

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