📟Predict contract

The Predict.sol contract is one of BetFin Games that facilitates prediction games. It is designed to work with other contracts, including PredictGame for individual prediction games and ConservativeStaking for staking mechanisms. This documentation outlines the key functionalities and components of the Predict contract.

Key Components

State Variables

  • core: An immutable reference to the Core contract, central to the ecosystem.

  • staking: An immutable reference to the ConservativeStaking contract, for staking functionalities.

  • games: An address[] private array holding addresses of all prediction game contracts.


  • GameCreated(address indexed game): Emitted when a new prediction game contract is created.

  • GameDeactivated(address indexed game): Emitted when a prediction game contract is deactivated.

  • GameActivated(address indexed game): Emitted when a prediction game contract is activated.

  • placeBet (internal): Transfers the bet amount to the game contract and calls placeBet on the specified PredictGame. This is used by the public placeBet function after validations.


  • addGame: Creates a new PredictGame contract with specified parameters, activates it, and emits GameCreated. It performs several checks to ensure valid parameters.

  • deactivate: Deactivates a specified prediction game contract by calling its deactivate function and emits GameDeactivated.

  • activate: Activates a specified prediction game contract by calling its activate function and emits GameActivated.

  • placeBet: Places a bet on a specified prediction game. It transfers the bet amount (minus a fee) to the game contract and calls placeBet on the specified PredictGame.

Last updated