Conservative Staking Manual
Conservative staking is a secure way to earn rewards in BET tokens. In conservative staking, you get a share of winning fee from shared games (eg. Predict) without the risk of losing a single token.
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Conservative staking is a secure way to earn rewards in BET tokens. In conservative staking, you get a share of winning fee from shared games (eg. Predict) without the risk of losing a single token.
Last updated
Connect Wallet:
Connect your wallet to the Betfin platform.
See the
Select Conservative Staking:
Choose the "Conservative Staking" option from the staking menu.
Enter Stake Amount:
Input the amount of BET tokens you wish to stake.
Confirm Transaction:
Confirm the transaction in your wallet to complete the staking process.
Early Staking Advantage:
Staking early ensures your position in a pool, starting the 80-week countdown from the pool's creation.
Multiple stakes within the same pool are combined to the same position for convenience and optimization.
Regular Staking:
Regular staking helps manage liquidity and optimize profits through consistent participation.
No Risk of Token Loss:
Tokens are safely staked with transparent rules.
Earnings from Fees:
Earn a portion of the fees generated from Betfin's conservative games.
Predictable Returns:
Enjoy consistent and predictable staking rewards.
Monitor Your Stake:
Track your staking progress and rewards through the Betfin dashboard.
Claim Rewards:
Periodically claim your staking rewards to maximize your earnings.
Restake or Unstake:
At the end of each 80-week cycle, decide whether to restake or unstake your tokens for flexibility and continued earning potential without any further lockup period.
___________________________________________________________________________________________ Before you proceed with staking, please ensure you understand the nature and terms of staking. Any transactions made by Betfin smart contracts are irreversible! _______________________________________________________________________________________