Example of conservative staking
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There are 2 staking members A & B:
A stakes 4,000 BET
B stakes 6,000 BET
There is a 3,6% fee for all possible winnings:
Let's assume there is no partner that should receive a share of this volume
The partner that operates the platform charges 0% (maximal possible tariff is 1,2% = 1/3 of winning fees)
There was a total winning volume of 100,000 BET in shared bets in 1st cycle.
That equals 3,600 BET tokens that go to conservative staking.
Those 3,6k shall be distributed proportionally among users A & B according to their staking volume.
The ratio between staking members A:B is 4,000:6,000
User A receives 4,000 shares of the 3,6k payout = 1,440 BET
User B receives 6,000 shares of the 3,6k payout = 2,160 BET
As there is no possibility of receiving a negative result we can say that all cycles will look similar.
This example is a simplified business logic explanation that does not include the internal accounting that is described in Conservative Pool Accounting.