📺Staking intro

As there are 2 betting concepts there are also 2 staking concepts - conservative staking for shared bets and dynamic staking for lotto games.

Conservative staking proportionally distributes all winning fees among stakers. You basically lock your tokens for 1 year and claim your earnings every day without risk of losing a single token! That is sustainable staking with service backed APR!

Dynamic staking is a one year program which assures liquidity for winning users and gains from losers. As a dynamic staker you technically become a casino co-owner who earns a monthly payout thanks to the mathematical advantage of each lotto game.

That may bring really interesting rewards but be ready for time to time drawdowns in series of users winnings.

Those 2 staking programs gain all the platform earnings and earn the same whether you are platform founder or newbie. Join the decentralized casino ownership and start your service backed passive income with Betfin.io!


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