💢Build the team & community

Become a community leader or supporter and match your business with lifestyle into once!

BetFin is purely technological platform and its success fully depends on active community builders. On the other hand BetFin has a power to change many people's lives for better and its affiliate is designed to generously reward community leaders!

What is community and its purpose?

  • Community is a group of people with the same values, vision and interests

  • Community can be online or offline and may consist out of few individuals up to millions

How to start building a community?

  • Earn first money in staking and affiliate to get rid of things you don't like to do

  • Get in touch with first people for this topic. It can be your sponsor or your downline (we will add chat into the betfin.io UI soon)

  • Develop your strategy of building your community. You have to focus on the following (table)

Generation of leads is first (but not only) key point of building your team and community. Number and quality of leads defines the speed of your team growth.

How to develop a lead generation strategy

To prepare a successful lead generation strategy you should review your resources, experience and environment you live in. If you don't feel confident contact us. Here are few tips of how to start with lead generation campaign according to the environment:

Even BetFin is purely online project the offline aspect is something that can boost your leads campaign to another level. Here are some simple hints how to generate leads offline:

  1. Contact your closest friends and family. Announce them you have something they should not miss this time!

  2. Offer you send them few of yours BET tokens for free and enjoy some fun with BetFin games together. (we recommend to try some shared game to enjoy the social aspect of the game)

  3. Show them staking results and suggest them to stake few tokens for a start (target the sum they can effort, but we recommend at least $120 to pre-open binary tree)

  4. Contact your friends and family after first few payouts in staking and discuss with them to generate some leads so they can earn some affiliate bonus. This is how your lead generation structure starts to grow.

  5. Show your direct affiliates that they already have users in their binary structure that generates them the unmatched volume waiting to be matched. This is enough strong reason to bring 2 members directly. Thats how you duplicate your effort into 6 members team that can create you a nice income!

Then you can move your offline generation to a professional level, make presentation or offline event for the community. That is something in which regard you can allways contact us at magnum@betfin.io

  • We recommend to bring your offinline contacts to online presentation or to the offline event to make them see the BetFin community

  • Connect your downlines to BetFin community social media so they can see what is new in the project and how its growing!

Once you are all set with your lead generation campaign its a time to make some money!

  • Make your self a target number of leads

  • Count your conversion rate

  • Try to find points of failure to increase the conversion

  • Improve your campaign and run the next round

Help your downline members to grow

To speed up your community growth it is important that also your downlines feel motivated and enjoying their success. Utilise the strength of BetFin binary tree and motivate your downlines to grow.

  • Don't force your downlines to be able to explain everything, show them where they can find - here in docs!

  • Show your downlines they can close the deal just based on the BetFin support - online presetnation and project events without complex knowledge and presentation skills!

  • Show your success

  • Learn to duplicate to their downlines

  • Prepare some non-financial motivation for most successful community leaders, it all turns back 100 times!

Focus on culture

Key aspect of building a strong community is culture. Business culture consists of many aspects but is always build on strong relationships between community members that is build on personal values of member to other or to the same vision.

Here are the key features that may empower the community culture

  1. Share, join or organise online webinars and presentations - Those can be related to certain events on BetFin games or can be a presentation for newbies

  2. Join or organise offline events - Offline events have a power to meet personally with strongest community leaders that usually organise the event

  3. Organise or join leisure activities of your team - it is important to build personal relationships with your team without fully business focused communication. - Leisure activities are the right way to do so

  4. Open community offices for personal meetings - You can share this to official BetFin telegram for the central community and your offices may become a part of official BetFin offices structure. - Offices move your business to another level and changes your work to serious business

Connect with other communities

  • Connect with other community leader on the social media and Focus on culturetogether with them. That makes the community connected and stronger

  • Find BetFin partnering communities social media on

Last updated