Start with affiliate

This pagBetFin bets all in on affiliate program as an expansion strategy. Thats why it is so interesting to be a part of it! Here are the simple steps he explains how to start

Become a member to be eligible for an affiliate

  • Stake BET token for total value at least 60 USD to conservative and/or dynamic staking

  • Details of terms to be found in Direct affiliate terms

  • Note that it may take few minutes before blockchain data are loaded to the UI

Invite first members

  • Check the tabs bellow to understand two of invitation in BetFin:

Direct invitation means to mint BetFin pass token on someones address. The process is very simple. You can choose wether you want to mint the token to one or more addresses and invite your downlines by one transaction!

Visit your affiliate page and generate the BetFin PASS to your invitee wallet. This will make the invitee your downline with eligibility use BetFin contracts for a lifetime.

  • You can repeat this process unlimited times or if you have many users to invite at once try Bulk invitation instead

  • Keep in mind that you can not invite already invited user or change his or yours position

  • We recommend to read Position strategy in binary tree to learn how to work with invitations and how to make long term profitable affiliate strategy!

Claim your first rewards

  • Claim of your rewards is very simple - just click the claim button in your affiliate page!

  • Claim button is common for 7% of each directly affiliate stake and 0.5% of each bet

  • Check Direct affiliate terms to understand

Start thinking big

  • Are you ready for massive earnings?

  • Read how to Earn matching bonus and build real business backed income

Last updated